Enevia Health


NMDA Autoantibody Encephalitis: The Discovery That Changed the Face of Neurology

NMDA Autoantibody Encephalitis: The Discovery That Changed the Face of Neurology

NMDA encephalitis is variable and may depend on multiple factors


Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, autoimmunity, and psychosis – PubMed (nih.gov)

Differential Diagnosis of Encephalitis due to Anti-NMDA Receptor Antibodies | Neurology (English Edition) (elsevier.es)

NMDA encephalitis, also known as anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, is a rare autoimmune disease that affects the brain and central nervous system. It is characterized by inflammation of brain tissues and the production of antibodies that attack NMDA receptors in the brain, leading to a wide range of neurological and psychiatric symptoms. The etiology of NMDA encephalitis is an area of great interest and continued research, as understanding the underlying mechanisms of the disease is critical to the development of more effective treatment and prevention approaches.

Typical clinical course of disease in anti-NMDAR encephalitis

NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors are proteins found in neurons in the brain and play a crucial role in the transmission of nerve signals, learning and memory. NMDA encephalitis occurs when the immune system produces antibodies that mistakenly attack NMDA receptors, leading to brain inflammation and neuronal dysfunction.

The etiology of NMDA encephalitis has been linked to several factors, including viral infections, tumors, genetic predisposition, and other autoimmune triggers. It has been noted that NMDA encephalitis may be associated with viral infections, such as herpes simplex virus, varicella-zoster virus, and other viruses that can trigger an autoimmune response in the brain.

In addition to viral infections, tumors, especially ovarian teratomas in young women, have been shown to be associated with NMDA encephalitis. It is believed that tumors can trigger an autoimmune response that produces antibodies against NMDA receptors, leading to the development of the disease.

Genetic predisposition has also been identified as a factor in the etiology of NMDA encephalitis. It has been observed that certain genes related to the immune response and the regulation of NMDA receptors can increase susceptibility to developing the disease.

In addition to the factors mentioned, it has been hypothesized that other autoimmune triggers, such as stress, vaccines, and other environmental factors, may trigger the production of antibodies against NMDA receptors and contribute to the development of NMDA encephalitis.

The complexity of the etiology of NMDA encephalitis suggests that the disease may be the result of a complex interaction between genetic, environmental, and immunological factors. Understanding these underlying mechanisms is critical to developing more effective treatment and prevention approaches.

Demonstration of antibodies against the NMDA receptor during the presentation
initial and relapse in the same patient.

Ongoing research is focused on identifying the exact mechanisms that trigger the production of antibodies against NMDA receptors, as well as developing biomarkers that can help predict the risk of developing the disease. These advances in understanding the etiology of NMDA encephalitis are expected to lead to the development of more specific treatment approaches and the identification of potential preventative measures.

The etiology of NMDA encephalitis is the result of a complex interaction between genetic, environmental and immunological factors. Understanding these underlying mechanisms is critical to developing more effective treatment and prevention approaches. As research advances, it is expected that new therapeutic targets will be identified and more specific approaches will be developed to address this devastating disease.


Symptoms of NMDA encephalitis may include mental status changes, seizures, abnormal movements, speech and language disorders, and behavioral changes. These symptoms can progress rapidly and, in severe cases, can cause life-threatening complications.

Symptoms of NMDA encephalitis may occur gradually or suddenly, and may include mental status changes, seizures, abnormal movements, speech and language disorders, behavioral changes, and other neurological symptoms. It is important to understand each of these symptoms in detail for early detection and proper treatment of the disease.

A common symptom of NMDA encephalitis is change in mental status, which may include confusion, disorientation, difficulty concentrating, and alterations in consciousness. Patients may experience difficulty processing information, remembering recent events, or maintaining a coherent conversation. These mental status changes may be subtle at first, but often progress and significantly affect the patient's ability to function in daily life.

Seizures are another common clinical manifestation of NMDA encephalitis. Patients may experience partial or generalized seizures, which may manifest as involuntary movements, loss of consciousness, muscle twitches, or abnormal sensations. Seizures can be an alarming and potentially dangerous symptom of NMDA encephalitis, and often require careful medical management to prevent complications.

Abnormal movements, such as choreiform, dystonic, or stereotyped movements, are characteristic symptoms of NMDA encephalitis. These movements may manifest as jerking, twisting, or abnormal posturing of the limbs, face, or trunk. Abnormal movements can be debilitating and affect the patient's ability to perform everyday activities, such as walking, eating, or talking.

Speech and language disorders are common symptoms of NMDA encephalitis. Patients may experience difficulty articulating words, understanding spoken language, or expressing themselves coherently. These symptoms can range from mild communication difficulties to complete loss of speech, which can have a significant impact on the patient's quality of life.

How neurons are affected by NMDA encephalitis

Disturbances in behavior and personality are important symptoms of NMDA encephalitis. Patients may show changes in behavior, such as irritability, aggression, apathy, or disinhibited behavior. Additionally, they may experience personality changes, including loss of interest in previously pleasurable activities, changes in sleep patterns, or changes in appetite.

In addition to these main symptoms, NMDA encephalitis can cause a wide range of neurological manifestations, such as movement disorders, sleep disorders, memory and cognitive problems, alterations in sensory perception, and psychiatric symptoms, such as hallucinations, delirium, or mood disorders. mood.

It is important to note that the symptoms of NMDA encephalitis can vary considerably between patients and over time. Some patients may experience a combination of neurological and psychiatric symptoms, while others may present with predominantly neurological symptoms. Additionally, the severity of symptoms can fluctuate, with periods of exacerbation followed by temporary improvement.

Early recognition of NMDA encephalitis symptoms is crucial for accurate diagnosis and timely treatment. Because symptoms may be nonspecific and overlap with other neurological diseases, it is essential that healthcare professionals are familiar with the clinical presentation of NMDA encephalitis and consider this disease in the differential diagnosis of patients with unexplained neurological and psychiatric symptoms.


The diagnosis of NMDA encephalitis is a complex topic that requires a detailed understanding of the clinical symptoms, evaluation methods, and laboratory tests used to confirm the presence of this disease.

The clinical presentation of NMDA encephalitis can be variable, ranging from psychiatric symptoms and delusions to seizures, abnormal movements, and impaired level of consciousness.

Diagnosis of NMDA encephalitis usually involves a comprehensive evaluation that includes review of the patient's medical history, a detailed neurological examination, and laboratory and imaging tests. Given the complexity and variable clinical presentation of NMDA encephalitis, it is essential that healthcare professionals are familiar with the symptoms and diagnostic methods used to identify this disease.

The patient's medical history is a crucial component in the diagnosis of NMDA encephalitis. Doctors should collect detailed information about the onset of symptoms, disease progression, medical history, and any exposure to potential triggers, such as viral infections or tumors. The identification of unexplained neurological and psychiatric symptoms in the patient's medical history may raise suspicions about the presence of NMDA encephalitis.

The neurological examination is another essential part of the diagnostic process. Doctors evaluate brain function, coordination, reflexes, muscle strength, and other neurological functions to look for possible abnormalities that may be associated with NMDA encephalitis. The detection of abnormal neurological signs can provide important clues for the diagnosis of this disease.

Laboratory tests play a crucial role in the diagnosis of NMDA encephalitis. Blood tests may be performed to detect the presence of specific antibodies associated with the disease. Antibodies against NMDA receptors can be detected using laboratory techniques, such as immunofluorescence or immunoprecipitation. The presence of these antibodies in the patient's serum may provide diagnostic evidence of NMDA encephalitis.

In addition to blood tests, brain imaging tests, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are important tools for diagnosing NMDA encephalitis. MRI may reveal signs of inflammation, structural changes, or abnormalities in the brain that are consistent with the disease. Identification of these findings on MRI may support the diagnosis of NMDA encephalitis.

Electroencephalogram (EEG) is another diagnostic tool used in the evaluation of NMDA encephalitis. The EEG records the electrical activity of the brain and can reveal abnormal patterns that are characteristic of the disease. Abnormal EEG findings, such as epileptiform activity or slow wave patterns, may support the diagnosis of NMDA encephalitis.

In some cases, a lumbar puncture may be necessary to test the cerebrospinal fluid for signs of inflammation or the presence of specific antibodies. The presence of inflammatory cells, elevated proteins, or the presence of antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid may provide additional evidence to support the diagnosis of NMDA encephalitis.

The diagnosis of NMDA encephalitis is complex and requires the integration of multiple evaluation approaches, including clinical history, neurological examination, and a variety of laboratory and imaging tests. Early and accurate identification of the disease is essential to initiate timely treatment and improve outcomes for patients affected by NMDA encephalitis.


The prognosis of NMDA encephalitis can vary depending on the severity of the disease and the promptness of treatment; in general, it is considered a potentially reversible disease if diagnosed and treated promptly. In this article, we will explore the prognosis of NMDA encephalitis in detail, including risk factors, complications, treatment, and long-term outcomes.

The prognosis of NMDA encephalitis may be influenced by a variety of factors, including how quickly the disease is diagnosed, the severity of symptoms, the presence of complications, and the response to treatment. NMDA encephalitis is generally considered a treatable disease, and many patients experience a complete or partial recovery with appropriate treatment.

The severity of the disease at the time of diagnosis can influence the prognosis. Patients with NMDA encephalitis who present with severe symptoms, such as recurrent seizures, decreased level of consciousness, or respiratory compromise, may have a less favorable prognosis compared to those whose symptoms are less severe.

Rapid initiation of treatment may also affect prognosis. NMDA encephalitis responds well to immunosuppressive treatment, which generally includes the use of steroids, immunoglobulins, and therapies aimed at suppressing the autoimmune response. Patients who are treated early and aggressively tend to have a more favorable prognosis compared to those whose treatment is delayed.

Complications and long-term prognosis

Although many patients recover completely from NMDA encephalitis, some may experience long-term complications that affect their quality of life and neurological function. Complications may include movement disorders, cognitive impairment, mood disorders, and psychiatric disorders.

Movement disorders, such as dyskinesia or dystonia, are common complications of NMDA encephalitis. These disorders can cause involuntary movements, abnormal postures, and difficulty controlling movement, which can affect the patient's ability to perform daily activities.

Cognitive impairment is another potential complication of NMDA encephalitis. Some patients may experience difficulties with memory, attention, concentration, and other cognitive functions, which may affect their ability to work, study, or perform everyday tasks.

Mood and psychiatric disorders may also be sequelae of NMDA encephalitis. Some patients may experience depression, anxiety, personality changes or psychotic symptoms, which may require additional treatment and psychological support.


Timely and appropriate treatment is essential to improve the prognosis of NMDA encephalitis. 

Treatment of NMDA encephalitis is based on suppression of the autoimmune response and management of associated neurological and psychiatric symptoms. The therapeutic approach includes the use of steroids, immunoglobulins, therapies aimed at suppressing the autoimmune response, as well as the management of specific symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of NMDA encephalitis is typically initiated with the administration of steroids, such as methylprednisolone, to reduce brain inflammation and suppress the autoimmune response. Steroids can help control acute symptoms and prevent further brain damage.

In addition to steroids, intravenous immunoglobulins can be used to modulate the autoimmune response. Immunoglobulins are proteins that can help regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation in the brain.

In some cases, the use of therapies aimed at suppressing the autoimmune response may be considered, such as rituximab, a biological agent that acts on the B cells of the immune system. Rituximab may help reduce the production of autoimmune antibodies and improve the symptoms of NMDA encephalitis.

Treatment of the neurological and psychiatric symptoms associated with NMDA encephalitis is essential to improve patients' quality of life. Management of movement disorders, such as dyskinesia or dystonia, may include the use of medications to control involuntary movements and improve motor function.

Cognitive impairment is another important area of management in NMDA encephalitis. Patients may require cognitive rehabilitation therapies, as well as the use of medications to improve memory, attention, and other cognitive functions.

Treatment of mood and psychiatric disorders is also essential in the management of NMDA encephalitis. Patients may require psychological therapy, emotional support, and the use of medications to treat depression, anxiety, and other psychiatric symptoms.

The long-term prognosis of NMDA encephalitis may vary depending on the severity of the disease and response to treatment. Many patients experience complete or partial recovery of symptoms with appropriate treatment, although the time required for recovery may vary. Some patients may require neurological rehabilitation, occupational therapy, speech therapy, or physical therapy to regain function and independence.

Long-term follow-up is important to evaluate the evolution of symptoms and detect possible long-term complications. Patients with NMDA encephalitis may require ongoing symptom management, including treatment of movement disorders, mood disorders, or cognitive difficulties.

In general, the prognosis of NMDA encephalitis is variable and may depend on multiple factors, including the severity of the disease, the promptness of treatment, the presence of complications, and the individual response to treatment. Although the disease can be serious, many patients experience significant recovery with proper treatment and ongoing support.

It is essential to increase awareness of this disease among health professionals and the general public to improve early detection and timely treatment. Continued research into the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of NMDA encephalitis is essential to improve patient outcomes and provide them with the best possible care.

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