Enevia Health


Dr. Christian Bogner talking about autism with Enevia Health

Dr. Christian Bogner talking about autism with Enevia Health

Dr Christian Bogner talking about autism with Enevia Health

Interview comments made by Enrique Basurto creator of the group Facebook Autism Research Coalition

From the interview with Dr. Bogner, this slide was especially helpful and informative. Dr. Bogner cited a long list of studies that discuss the inflammatory process in the brains of people with autism. He said he doesn't test for neuroinflammation but rather (given all the studies out there) assume it exists. He focuses on the causes of neuroinflammation that in the case of Autism is due to oxidative stress and he spoke for approx. 10-30 minutes. on the production of adrenaline and adrenochrome. The Dr. explains that due to certain genetic and biochemical dysfunctions, sugar, allergens and stress produce adrenaline in children with Autism. This is the reason why guys can't sit still and are in a constant state of restlessness.

What he said next is what I found most surprising. —— He said that adrenaline (which cannot be properly metabolized due to genetic dysfunctions) is converted after some chemical processes into adrenochrome. Apparently, this substance has been shown to trigger reactions such as euphoria, hallucinations, bizarre ideas, introversion and inappropriate behavior that are common in certain types of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia.

He also added that he has interviewed people with Autism who are highly functional and that in all cases they have confirmed that they experience some type of these disorders. Apparently, that explains why they have a hard time learning... Basically (paraphrasing what he said), "it's hard to understand things in the real world if you live in an alternate world."
It also caught my attention that it explains the neuroinflammation that exists in Autism as a genetic and biochemical process. That is, he says that it is not possible to identify neuroinflammation in an MRI or any brain scan. Inflammation is known to exist and has been shown at the microscopic level to exist but it is not something that can be seen on an MRI of the brain. That is why his way of "treating" Autism is through genetic and biochemical tests to find a way to reverse these inflammatory processes.

This is another interesting slide from Dr. Bogner. Once again, it puts adrenaline as responsible for the stereotypical behaviors of Autism. Adrenaline is produced through sugars (carbohydrates of various kinds), allergens, and stress factors. As the slide I shared yesterday explains, given the dysfunction in the COMT gene that prevents adrenaline from being metabolized correctly, it ends up accumulating and converting into adrenochrome and adrenoluyin, which are responsible for inflammation in specific areas of the brain that cause the language problems and stereotypical inappropriate behaviors. —— The interesting thing about this slide is another consequence of the accumulation of adrenaline, which is the accumulation of sugar in the blood (hyperglycemia) that triggers the production of insulin and that explains why the boys have an abnormal feeling of hunger, looking for especially carbs. At this point he made the comment that (as they say in English) "Boys get hangry” (which is a combination of hungry and angry, that is, angry at the sensation of being hungry). Unfortunately, if kids constantly eat carbs it becomes a vicious cycle where the more sugar they eat the more sugar builds up in their blood, they are hungrier, more adrenaline is produced and therefore more inappropriate behavior.

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