It is not necessary to insist that games and toys are essential for the proper cognitive and emotional development of boys and girls. However, the fact that during the game part of the learning takes place in the context of the exchange and relationship with others, supposes a limitation or difficulty for autistic children.
As Autism Spectrum Disorders show many particularities and have a wide range of variants, it is always best to choose materials, toys and games that go hand in hand with the therapeutic and support work that accompanies the child, in order to guarantee that they fit to their own development, their weaknesses, their strengths and their interests.
Beyond this specificity, which on the other hand does not differ much from what we would do with children without any special need, there is games that stand out for being useful and specially designed for cover these added difficulties of ASD, either because they promote integration or because they are particularly attractive and fun, if we talk about games.
Many children diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have a secondary diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder (TPS). It is for this reason that including sensory materials and activities for the ASD child should be part of a routine.
No.or we forgetIT HAS TO BE FUN!
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We attach some links where you can find ideal toys!
-Fine motor skills, bilateral motor coordination and concentration (5+)
– Bilateral motor coordination and visual discrimination (+2)
– Bimanual coordination and visual discrimination×5-amb-plantilles/1325114.51.html
-Copy the Monkey (imitation and praxis)
-Feed the monster (fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination)
-Paracral game (bilateral motor coordination, joint attention)
-Diset – I Learn Mosaics, Educational game from 4 years