Suramin, a drug that reduces the main symptoms of autism

Suramin, a drug that reduces the main symptoms of autism

Suramin, a drug that reduces the main symptoms of autism

DStatements from parents of children who participated in the randomized phase I clinical trial of low-dose suramin in autism spectrum disorder, conducted by Dr. Naviaux.

Link to the publication of the study results:


Tea imagine be the dad from one from the patients locked up on the film "Awakenings"? Our child have 11 years. When I had a year and means, medium, knew their colors, shapes and numbers on English, Spanish and farsi could to assemble puzzle plus Quick what any person from his age. Was Sociable and engaged with the the rest. TO the three years everything that language and communication I know lost and you diagnosed autism.
What two doctors, we have tried Many treatments and therapies. When started on the test clinical from suramin from UC Saint Diego, could speak on prayers short from two or three words and fragments from prayers. Had a voice nasal what sounded "acute". Was prone to do echo from the words from others people already to put on hyperactive and overexcited, in a hurry from a side to other While toward movements "stimulants" with the hands, on any around Social. The doctors us they said what his language expressive was to the three years and his language receptive to the four years.
A hour then from the infusion from suramin, the quality nasal from his voice He disappeared. This I know kept up with a sound normal during plus from three weeks. The first evening then from the infusion, I know did evident a new Calm down. This no was a effect sedative, otherwise what looked like plus happy and plus to taste on his own skin.
The first evening, then from eat all his Dinner, quietly I I look and said: "I finished me dinner". Never there was saying this before. By it general, He said: "It I did" when finished his Dinner. Two days then from the infusion, on his visit from tracing to the center from infusion, you said clearly to the nurse: "Wanna to go to the bath again". This was probably the judgment plus long from his lifetime. Six days then from the infusion, started to ask for try out foods new and different. Ate lettuce! East was a big change because usually be very fussy with the food. His appetite on general was Excellent then from the infusion. Started to be a lot plus interested on the Contact Social, making and keeping Contact visual with his therapist during long periods from weather, and even treatment from do it to laugh with a new play what I was inventing. From done, treatment from do to laugh to someone plus!
we note a new commitment and focus on try out stuff new. learned to tell the 100 to the 200 by first time. we note a lot language new and use spontaneous from prayers complete normal for express their needs and wishes. By example, when me husband began to leave from travel outside from the town, me child it hug and you said: "Today, only want be with you". About five weeks then from the infusion, the most from these changes they had turned to be What before.
We have condition working Lasted, testing everyone the treatments new for the autism what they seemed reasonable during the latest eight years. Nothing I know ha approached to the effects what we saw with the suramin. Only a dose from suramin us allowed glimpse to that child what I was caught by his disease. we could watch to that child from a year and means, medium, with all this lifetime, joy and intelligence what yet is there, and with the medicine adequate, can leave and continue learning again.
Then, tea imagine be the dad from that patient locked on the film "Awakenings"? When the patients Finally I know wake up and they smile and they dance. But later I know it remove everything?


Our child have five years. You diagnosed autism to the 3 years and means, medium. could speak on prayers from four to eight words before the judgment from suramin. Never beginning conversations and never I ask on the feelings from the the rest. Had Many interests specials and she lived the higher part the day on his own self world, without to interact with others children. loved all the stuff with circles What cheerios, wheels and balls. As well you loves build up numbers colorful with Play Doh.
Immediately then from the infusion, started to to sprout a species from joy inside. When we walked from Return to the car, he I was holding up me hand. Started to to laugh and I I look and said: "No he by what I'm so happy".
The purposes from week, when it we had to a Park the neighborhood before from the infusion, I know sat to a side the playground from playtime making it yours. Then from the infusion, they started to arise new skills social and language. Started to take part on games from hashtag. On the school, started to imitate to the others children what they played to to pursue and to touch on the playground from playtime. Did this awkwardly to the beginning because Really no knew the rules social the play. TO times I was too anxious by join and the others children no they understood his new interest on play. This provoked some tears on the playground from playtime until what our child could learn the rules for play with the others children. Everything this was so new for he.
On the big meetings relatives, I had a new tolerance when others children wanted to share his play-doh and others toys specials. On the past, this there would be led to a collapse. Then from suramin, that no it happened and juice from way a lot plus natural with the others children. The effect from the suramin on his language was Really amazing for us. The length and the complexity from their phrases they seemed almost triple with respect to it what was before from suramin. No only started to speak on it what it happened to his around, otherwise what as well could tell me stuff what they happened on the school during his day by first time. This is something what forever I have Dear can do, speak with me child on his day. There was moments on the what I was so concentrated and anxious by try out new games or do stuff new what I was very excited, and various days I know raised early on the morning for begin new activities what you they were interested
Then from the suramin, had a new ability for do forehead to situations adverse. A time, when a new ornament Christmas from BB8 (a character robot from Star Wars) I know broke on the ground, neither even I cry and I know with only easily and He participated on other exercise.
Seven weeks then from the infusion, I received a call from his teacher from garden from childhood. I I call for tell me something extraordinary. Our child I was sitting on a desk from Projects with others five children. You I ask to one from the Boys: "That these doing?" and had a conversation from Going and lap by first time on his lifetime. You I ask to a from the girls: "Which is you Colour favorite?" and I had a conversation bidirectional with her. These they were behaviors completely new what never there was done before. On general, to it length the study, the therapists, the family and the friends they commented on his higher language and desire from a higher interaction Social. suramin produced the improvement plus dramatic on the symptom the autism what Never let's have viewed with any thing what let's have tried.


Our child have 14 years. His growth early I was advanced. Speak on prayers complete to his brother and sister greater to the two years from age. You liked hear music and I had a singer from folk favorite what you liked hear. Little bit then from his second birthday, started to back and lost everything his language. You diagnosed autism when I had 3 years. On the moment the study from suramin, only could to emit Some sounds and some words simple, compressed and almost whispered difficult from understand. The doctors us they said what his language expressive was the from a child from two years and means, medium, even though his language receptive was better. No there was pronounced a sentence complete on almost 12 years.
Then from the infusion, we went witnesses from a change remarkable. A hour then from the infusion, started to do plus Contact visual with the doctor and the nurses on the bedroom. There was a new Calm down to times, but as well plus emotion on others occasions. Started to show interest on play to the hiding place with his brother from 16 years. Started to to practice making new sounds on the House. Started to search for plus to his dad.
A Saturday about a week then from the infusion, his dad I was preparing a sandwich on the kitchen. Me child I enter and said very clearly the first sentence from his lifetime. I look to his dad and said: "Wanna eat popes fried”. His appetite got better and started to ask for try out new foods. Three weeks then from the infusion, I was starting to show tender emotions what they were so endearing. Started to sit down on be quiet on the sofa with his dad While saw the television and gently, almost unconsciously, touched or hit to his dad with tenderness.
Before the suramin, our dog from the family, a small chihuahua I know maintained remote from our child.
Then, our puppy passed hours on the sofa sitting quietly together to our child While worked on one from their new interests, the computers and Internet. Before from suramin, our child never played a computer neither showed interest by the music. Then from suramin had a explosion from new interests. Started to ask for try out new foods. Started to use the computer portable family. learned to surf by Internet. Discovered Youtube. For the quarter week then from suramin, there was navigated by Youtube and he found to the same singer from folk what used to hear when was child, make 12 years before from his regression. Was Really surprising to think what remembered this from make so much weather. played to the persecution and to the pillage with his brother higher with regularity. Never before there was done this. Soon they started to invent games from catch Come in they. Almost everyone the days appeared new behaviors and a new language. About five weeks then from the suramin, started to return to be plus closed. Let from ask for new foods and, six weeks then, already no used the computer neither listened music new.
We saw improvements on our child then from the suramin what never before we had viewed. We have tried everyone the treatments new during plus from 10 years. Nothing I know ha approached to everyone the changes on the language and the interaction Social and the new interests what we saw then from suramin. We saw to our child advance almost three years on growth on only six weeks then from the suramin. We want watch now Yes nail few dose from suramin during some months could help him yet plus.

Our child have six years. His growth early was normal. Had several words and us it seemed what I was very well until what I had almost two years. TO the 22 months from age, let from speak gradually during some weeks. Soon no answered to his own self Name. On nail few weeks plus stepped back socially. You diagnosed autism to the two years. Before from suramin, only could do some few sounds and some words whispered and evil enunciated. Never there was pronounced a sentence complete.
The day the treatment with suramin, I was very anxious and upset. I know resisted strongly to the placement from the via intravenous and no did Contact visual with neither from the doctors or nurses on the bedroom. A hour then from the infusion looked like plus quiet. Did Contact visual with the doctor. On House, started to do new sounds on the first week, almost What Yes were practicing. Started to search for new interactions social so much with Adults What with others children. From done, hug to other child from a friend from the family during a visit during the first week. This was the first time what did this, and us let stunned.
On the second week then from suramin, said the first sentence from his lifetime. we were sitting watching the television on family and our child said clearly: "Wanna drink a Cup". Before, Yes it they pushed, could say "to drink" or "to drink". Me wife and me, and especially our child higher, we were amazed.
During the month later to the suramin, change their elections from foods. Used to eat a lot salad. Then from the suramin, looked like yearn plus proteins and no wanted eat salad. Their therapists and teacher they commented what he I was plus concentrated on their chores on the school. From done, their teachers on the school no They were to the so much the judgment and a day We received a note the teacher asking what we had changed. we were naturally worried and when them we asked us they said what 'Ha completed three weeks from schooling on three days!' learned to read words new What "he", "one", "are" and "and", and to pronounce them well by first time on his lifetime. The Calm down, the concentration and the interest initials on the new interactions social they remained with he during to the less a month, and later they disappeared gradually.
Yes well everyone the fathers looking for a answer to the autism, we saw clearly what the suramin provided important Benefits for our child. To the beginning we think what such time our desire from watch improvements was so strong what the we were watching, but what such time no were Really there. Then, for have the feedback Independent from the school on his progress during the treatment and for what our friends from the family they saw the new interaction Social, So What the astonishment from his brother higher by the first prayer from our child, we knew what no only I was on our heads. suramin is the Advance plus significant on the treatment the autism for our child what Never let's have viewed.


Our child have 7 years. we note what his language I know delay two years and means, medium. No was regression. TO the 3 years and means, medium from age, you diagnosed autism. Before from the infusion, could to pronounce some prayers from maybe four to five words. TO often I know toward echo from phrases sayings by others many times. I was very anxious Come in the crowds.
Then from the infusion, the quality nasal from his voice He disappeared. His anxiety as well it seemed disappear. I know went back plus quiet, almost cheerful. To the leave the center from infusion, greeting to everything the personal and said on voice high and clear to all the nurses: "Until then!"
Usually it I wear to the school everyone the days and way with he to class. There are a He passed from pedestrians with a Lady higher what is the guard from crossing. Before from suramin, our child forever set aside the view from the guard from crossing when we crossed On the first week then from suramin, I stopped when we went out the car and I said clearly: "Today, want greet to the guard from crossing". This was surprising so much because was a from their prayers plus long, What because expressed a new opening to be plus Social.
His Contact visual general with us on House got better a lot. Before from suramin, only toward Contact visual with us around the 10 by hundred from the times. Then from the suramin, us I was looking for and maintained Contact visual While she spoke or interacted with us during long periods from weather. I know interested by the music and the dance and started to move and dance around from his bedroom listening videos from Youtube.
When me husband I know was to the job, me child started to say "Bye dad" by first time. I know interested by the cat from the family by first time, speaking with the cat during everything the day. Started to watch me speak plus by telephone. Invention a new play, and you turned out funny treat from guess with whose I was speaking, saying, by example, then from hang «» This was grandma «.
On the second week then from the suramin, his appetite started to increase. Started to ask for try out Many foods new. On the third week, their skills motor fine they started to to get better until the point what learned to tie up the laces from the shoes and to fasten the zipper from the jacket for to go to the school by first time. we had condition working on are skills during plus from a year without success until what got the suramin.
TO it length the month had many interactions social new with Adults and pets, but no there was condition making a lot with their companions from class on the school. Their teachers noticed what started to say "Hello" to others children on class, but that was everything on the first month.
On the seventh week then the treatment, did something what never there was done before. He beginning a conversation from Going and lap with other child what I was visiting our House. This was cocompletely new and a big Advance. The most from these changes they returned gradually to the shape on what They were before the treatment during the following weeks. Yet can tie up the laces from the shoes, even though now you It seems a little bit plus hard what on the month later to the suramin. We saw Many changes positive then the treatment and we wait to form part the next test.

Video where parents explain the incredible improvements they saw in their children after suramin infusions. Dr. Naviaux explains how suramin works.

A phase II clinical trial evaluating the drug suramin as a treatment for autism is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2021, pending final approvals.

*Translations made from the original publications on the website:

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