Enevia Health


Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is essential for the proper functioning of the body, as it helps maintain the health of the nervous system and the production of red blood cells.
It is important for vegans and vegetarians, since most sources of vitamin B12 come from animal foods.

There are several ways to supplement vitamin B12, but the best are sublingual pills and injections. Sublingual lozenges are placed under the tongue and dissolve slowly, allowing the vitamin B12 to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream. These are an excellent option for people who have difficulty absorbing vitamin B12 through the digestive tract.

Vitamin B12 injections are another effective way to supplement. These injections are delivered directly into the muscle and provide a high dose of vitamin B12, which is especially helpful for people with poor absorption. In addition to sublingual lozenges and injections, you can also find vitamin B12 supplements in capsule, powder, and liquid forms. However, it is important to note that these supplements are not as effective as sublingual lozenges and injections.

Existen principalmente cuatro tipos de vitamina B12: cianocobalamina, hidroxocobalamina, metilcobalamina y adenosilcobalamina.
  • Cyanocobalamin it is the most common form of vitamin B12 found in supplements and fortified foods. It is readily available and is stable on storage, but some people may have difficulty converting it to the active form of the vitamin, methylcobalamin.
  • Hydroxocobalamin is another common form of vitamin B12, it is used primarily as a treatment for pernicious anemia, a disorder in which the body cannot absorb vitamin B12 properly. It is also used to treat vitamin B12-related neurological disorders.
  • Methylcobalamin It is the active form of vitamin B12, it is mainly used to improve the health of the nervous system. It is considered the most effective form of vitamin B12 for people with absorption problems.
  • adenosylcobalamin It is a lesser known form of vitamin B12, it is mainly used in medical treatments to treat neurological disorders and disorders of the nervous system.

Next, we leave you 3 scientific articles where the relationship between vitamin B12 and autism is explained:

Article 1: "Vitamin B12 and folate in blood and autism spectrum disorders" published in the Journal of Child Neurology in 2012.

In this study, children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) were found to have lower levels of vitamin B12 and folate in their blood compared to controls. The authors suggest that this could contribute to autism symptoms and that vitamin B12 and folate supplementation could be beneficial for these patients.


Article 2: "Vitamin B12 in children with autism spectrum disorders" published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders in 2013.

This study found that 30% of children with ASD had low levels of vitamin B12 in their blood, and that these children performed worse on tests of language and behavior. The authors suggest that vitamin B12 supplementation might be beneficial for children with ASD and low blood levels of vitamin B12.

link: https://scholar.google.co.ve/scholar?q=Autism+and+Developmental+Disorders+en+2013.&hl=es&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1

Article 3: "Vitamin B12 and folate in children with autism spectrum disorders: case-control study" published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders in 2014.

This study also found that children with ASD had lower levels of vitamin B12 and folate compared to controls. The authors suggest that vitamin B12 and folate supplements might be beneficial for children with ASD and that more studies are needed to determine if these supplements can improve autism symptoms.

link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0002713809607202

In summary, several studies have found that children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have lower blood levels of vitamin B12 and folate compared to controls. The authors of these studies suggest that vitamin B12 and folate supplements might be beneficial for children with ASD, but more studies are needed to determine if these supplements can improve autism symptoms.

📌 You will find more scientific information on the different Enevia Health platforms. 

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