Enevia Health


Fish with low levels of mercury

Fish with low levels of mercury

Fish constitutes a source of high nutritional value with a low caloric content, its lipid value varies depending on the species and can range from 2-15% and contains high levels of Omega 3 (polyunsaturated fatty acids) specifically the DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), important for neurological development. Provides essential minerals such as sodiumpotassiumcalciumironiodine and match.

Its protein is of high biological value since it contains essential amino acids such as methionine, cysteine, threonine and lysine, which are necessary for growth in children and many metabolic processes, it also contains tryptophan necessary for blood formation, the release of neurotransmitters and synthesis of Vitamin B6 or niacin. Added to its content Vitamins A,B,D and AND.the amino acid cysteine It is necessary for our metabolic functions but any food that contains it has a greater affinity for heavy metals due to the presence of a Thiol group in its structure. 

Aminoácidos esencialestriptófano, treonina, valina, lisina, leucina, metionina, histidina, fenilanina, isoleucina

So it can be a double-edged sword, since the consumption of fish low in metals provides a large amount of cysteine and, as we have mentioned before, confers a high capacity to bind to heavy metals in our body such as Zinc, Cadmium, Copper. , Gold, Mercury and Lead.

The team of Institute of Environmental Diagnosis and Water Studies (IDAEA) of the Superior Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC) has analyzed the concentration of mercury in 1,300 specimens of 58 species of fish and shellfish for human consumption on sale in local markets in Spain, Italy and France. 

Of the species analyzed, only thirteen species had levels below those recommended by the European Union, among them were: sardine, anchovy, blue whiting, caramel, sea bream, sea bream, galán, rock mullet, serrano, black croaker, salema, dorado and common squid. The findings reported that these 13 species had between 49-70% of the tolerable weekly intake of mercury, which makes their consumption safer.

Fountain: Marco Capodiferro, Esther Marco, Joan O. Grimalt. Wild fish and seafood species in the western Mediterranean Sea with low safe mercury concentrations.

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