Enevia Health


BHBR hair bulb analysis 70 values – Tequial

Test of circulating minerals in capillary bulbs. The BHBR capillary bulb analysis 70 values is a capillary analysis that interprets the intracellular content of the capillary bulbs to detect excesses and deficiencies of toxic minerals, nutritional minerals, vitamins, amino acids and hormones in the body. Said analysis helps us to detect several pathologies: Asthenia, depression, diabetic tendency, inflammatory tendency, phases of stress, immune system, hormonal balance, predisposition to bacterial infections, tolerance to sugars and carbohydrates, risk of diabetes, disjunction of thyroid, oxidative metabolism, nervousness, muscle pain, fluid retention, stress dermatitis, weight gain, atherosclerosis, nervous system disorders, degenerative phenomena, early cellular aging, etc.

What advantages does it offer?
The BHBR® is a personalized analysis for each patient, in which extensive information is obtained on the elements of their organism, which cannot be obtained through other types of analysis. Therefore, you can know your "state of health" more completely.
It provides information that complements and exceeds the results obtained in other types of analysis (blood and urine).
It is a prevention system, since it detects the lack of minerals in the body, allowing current problems to be detected and being able to foresee other diseases that are derived from said deficiencies in the future.

​Process for doing an analysis:

  1. Fill in the questionnaire: Bear in mind that the symptoms indicated by the patient in the questionnaire must refer to what happened in the last week or repeatedly in the last year.
  2. Extraction of the hair with the bulb: Several hairs are extracted with the BULB at 5 points of your head according to the drawing (about 4-5 hairs from each point) and they are kept in an aluminum foil or test tube so that the hair is not damaged. bulb.
  3. Delivery of results: The analysis will be delivered to the patient in about 5 working days, at the center where the samples were collected, by sending it by ordinary mail or e-mail.

Recommended for:
– Preventive medicine.
– Alterations in nutrition, intestinal dysbiosis, chronic diseases, bulimia…
– Endocrine and metabolism disorders.
– Immune pathology, autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity, defense deficiency.
– Asthenia (tiredness).
– Overweight and fluid retention.
– Lactation (nutritional deficiencies) and early childhood.
– Pregnancy, assessment of heavy metals and their antagonists.
– Menopause.

The interpretation of the BHBR ® analysis consists of the translation of the biochemical language of the test itself into an organic language. Its large amount of information can be of considerable use to all doctors and professionals who deal with: wellness and health, endocrinology, homeopathy, naturopathy, oligotherapy, toxicology, aesthetic medicine, anti-aging medicine, etc... completing traditional clinical analyses.

The BHBR® provides the physician with useful indications that cannot be obtained with other diagnostic tests. The BHBR® data are clinically important because the hair concentrates the circulating minerals, and therefore, unlike corporeal fluids, they allow elements to be identified and measured at low concentrations.

Hair is the second most metabolically active tissue in the body (after the spinal cord) and minerals can be accumulated in it in concentrations that are 10 times higher than the percentages present in blood or urine.

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Test mode

home kit

Type of sample

bulb hair

Results delivery time

20 days

Collection of results

The laboratory sends it by email.

Shipping costs


More information

Within the framework of the conference held in Madrid on February 29, 2020, we interviewed Tequial, who told us about his supplements and his Polymetabolic test with Polarized Light:

Tequial Interview

Play Video

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