Enevia Health


ISAC IgE Allergies, Synlab

ISAC test of 112 allergies. The ISAC Test is the first test based on biochip technology approved by European Union regulations for the diagnosis of allergies. The ISAC Test (Immuno Solid-phase Allergen Chip) is the most advanced in vitro diagnostic test for Simultaneous determination of specific IgE antibodies against 112 allergenic proteins present in more than 50 different allergens. Each allergen is tested in triplicate, and the test can be used to simultaneously detect IgE antibodies against: foods, plants, animals, insects, molds and synthetic products (eg latex). It is a semi-quantitative analysis that uses microchip technology. Results are classified into four categories: undetectable, low, moderate-high, and very high reaction.

The analysis uses only crude allergenic extracts, either purified from their natural source or recombinant, allowing a better standardization of the diagnosis. Allergens are grouped according to the characteristics of their proteins. This is of important clinical interest, since it makes it possible to differentiate primary sensitizations from cross-reactivities, and relevant from non-relevant sensitizations.

An allergy is a hypersensitivity reaction to a particular substance that, if inhaled, ingested or touched, produces characteristic symptoms. When an allergen enters the body of an allergic person for the first time, the person's immune system responds by producing a large quantity of IgE-type antibodies, a process known as sensitization. Successive exposure to the same allergen will cause the release of chemical mediators, particularly histamine, which will produce the characteristic symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Allergic reactions can manifest themselves in different ways and both the symptoms and their intensity can vary depending on each person. The most common symptoms are: allergic conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis, urticaria and dermatitis, bronchial asthma and anaphylaxis.

The simultaneous analysis of IgE against 112 proteins allergens allows to determine, accurately and quickly, from a small blood sample (4 hour fast), the allergens that cause the clinical picture of the patient. The very broad spectrum of allergenic proteins studied makes it possible to reveal unexpected sensitizations and/or rule out others. Consequently, the analysis allows obtaining an individual sensitization profile, with the consequent improvement in diagnosis, enabling personalized treatment.

The ISAC Test is especially indicated for:

  • Improve diagnosis in patients polysensitized to food, inhalants and/or insect poisons.
  • Avoid diagnostic errors, especially in patients where there is no clear correlation between the positivity of conventional allergy tests and symptoms.
  • Avoid therapeutic errors in the composition of allergy vaccines.
  • Evaluate those more complex cases, such as those with an inconsistent clinical history or with an unsatisfactory response to treatment.
  • Evaluate patients with idiopathic anaphylaxis.
  • Detect unsuspected sensitization.

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Product Information






Test mode

Face-to-face in the laboratory

Type of sample


Results delivery time

According to laboratory instructions

Collection of results

With the code provided on the day of the sample collection, the results are downloaded from the laboratory's website.

Shipping costs

Does not apply

Additional Instructions

Purchase process: once you have purchased the product and are going to take the test, contact Enevia Health to communicate when you are going to go to the laboratory. Subsequently, Enevia will send a flyer (document specifying the tests it has purchased) to present to the Synlab Laboratory.

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Enevia Health, LLC

30 N Gould Ste N, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA

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