Enevia Health


Complete Exome – Lorgen – Spain (only with medical prescription)

This product can only be supplied under a doctor's prescription. Exome sequencing provides information about protein-coding genes and identifies changes in the DNA of these genetic regions. It is a cost-effective solution to diagnose genetically complex and undiagnosed cases with high diagnostic yield. Includes genetic counseling before and after testing.

For certain patients, the combination of symptoms does not allow the doctor to identify a potential diagnosis. In such challenging cases, a stepwise diagnostic strategy is often chosen, making testing complex, tedious, expensive, and often not even conclusive. In addition, a late diagnosis can have a significant impact on the patient's treatment and quality of life.

For these cases, the use of WES has advantages over initially more specific genetic tests. While such targeted genetic testing focuses on a single gene or a limited set of predetermined genes, Whole Exome (WES) testing examines protein-coding regions in the genome (exons) simultaneously. It is estimated that the majority of disease-causing mutations (around 85%) are located within exons.

This lack of bias also makes it possible to identify disease-causing variants in genes that would be missed with specific approaches.
LORGEN GP's full exome sequencing service offers an accurate and cost-effective one-step solution with high diagnostic throughput.

It includes:

  • Analysis of up to 4 pathologies from the list of most common pathologies.
  • Genetic counseling before and after performing the test.


What is analyzed in this test?

Analysis by ultrasequencing (NGS) of the adjacent exonic and intronic regions for the detection of point variants and possible copy number variations (CNV).

Changes in the genes associated with the selected clinical phenotypes are analyzed and prioritized, as well as pathogenic and probably pathogenic changes detected in the more than 23,000 genes that could be associated with the patient's phenotype.

Possibility of combinations

The specialist or patient may direct the exome towards one or more of the
the pathologies mentioned in the list of the most common pathologies or the pathology indicated by the specialist. 

In the event that you want to add more pathologies to the 4 already included in the test, each extra pathology will have an additional cost of 50 EUR. To add pathologies to this test, you must inform Enevia Health. 

List of most common pathologies

  • Hereditary Cancer Study (breast, colon, neurofibromatosis, paraganglioma, medullary, gastric, etc.)
  • Genetic study Ataxias
  • Genetic study Charcot Marie Tooh disease
  • Genetic study Dementias/ALS
  • Dystonia genetic study
  • Genetic study Myopathies
  • Genetic study Epileptic Encephalopathies/Epileptic Disorders
  • Genetic study Family Spastic Paraplegia
  • Genetic study of Mitochondrial Disease, includes mtDNA and nuclear genes
  • Genetic study of movement disorders, CMT, Ataxias, HSP, Parkinson's, Dystonia, etc.
  • Genetic study Microcephaly/Macrocephaly/Cranial malformations
  • Genetic study Diabetes (Mody type included)
  • Genetic study Skeletal Alterations
  • Genetic study Ehlers Danlos disease and disorders of connective tissue
  • Genetic study Malformations/Alterations of brain development
  • Genetic study Parkinson's disease
  • Genetic study neurodevelopmental delay, Intellectual Disability, Autism, Dysmorphia, Glycosylation disorders, peroxisomal alterations, lysosomal alterations, etc.
  • Dysmorphic genetic study
  • Genetic study cranial alterations, brain development alterations, SNV alterations, epileptic disorders, neurodevelopmental delay (DI, TEA, Dysmorphisms, etc.), metabolic alterations.
  • Genetic study Cardiology, includes structural, vascular and cardiac conduction alterations
  • Genetic study Lung disease
  • Genetic study Ophthalmological disease
  • Genetic study Female/Male Fertility/independent of sex
  • Genetic study liver pathology
  • Genetic study Hearing loss
  • Genetic study Metabolic Disease
  • Genetic study Ciliopathies
  • Genetic study Immune system disease
  • Hematological genetic study
  • Dermatological genetic study
  • Nephrological genetic study
  • Genetic study Newborn sick or in the ICU (up to 24 months)
  • Genetic study Inborn errors of metabolism
  • Genetic study for Cerebral Palsy
  • Genetic study for Arthrogryposis
  • Genetic study for elevated CPK as the only symptom
  • STROKE genetic study
  • Genetic study for Short Stature (includes MLPA for SHOX gene)
  • Genetic study for Hypertension
  • Genetic study for Hypercholesterolemia
Laboratorio Lorgen

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Test mode

home kit

Type of sample


Results delivery time

Since the laboratory receives the sample 8 weeks

Collection of results

The Laboratory sends the results by e-mail to the patient.

Shipping costs

They may vary depending on the shipping area

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Enevia Health, LLC

30 N Gould Ste N, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA

Exclusive professionals

Your request will be reviewed by our team.

Professional title (doctor, nutritionist, therapist...)*
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Address of the clinical practice where the kits are sent.*
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ENEVIA HEALTH as Data Controller will process your data in order to manage your registration as a registered user. The basis of legitimacy is your consent expressed in the acceptance box of our privacy policy. The communication of the data is not foreseen, except in compliance with legal obligations. You can access, rectify and delete your data, as well as exercise other rights by consulting the additional and detailed information on data protection in our Privacy Policy.

Exclusive Laboratories

Your request will be reviewed by our team.

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laboratory manager*
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Membership number Medical Director*
Laboratory Management*
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ENEVIA HEALTH as Data Controller will process your data in order to manage your registration as a registered user. The basis of legitimacy is your consent expressed in the acceptance box of our privacy policy. The communication of the data is not foreseen, except in compliance with legal obligations. You can access, rectify and delete your data, as well as exercise other rights by consulting the additional and detailed information on data protection in our Privacy Policy.
Whatsapp groups

Our groups are the ideal platform to learn and share your scientific concerns about neurodevelopment issues

Group rules:

  1. Be nice. Bullying, insults and personal confrontations are not allowed.
  2. Respect everyone's privacy.
  3. Use information that is as scientific and reliable as possible, cite sources.
  4. We want to comply with WhatsApp rules and avoid topics that we know lead to the closure of groups, so we ask that these groups not discuss topics related to VACCINES, MMS, CDS.

*Our purpose is informational only, it is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Enevia Health


This plan is exclusive for people who are responsible for or suffer from some neurodevelopmental pathology such as (TEA, ADD, ADHD, OCD, SLI and other learning disorders, as well as Rett syndrome, Tourette syndrome, PANS, PANDAS , LYME…

With this plan you can benefit from discounts on more than 100 laboratory tests, medical visits, supermarkets and therapies and you will have access to all the tests with the BIGGEST possible discount.⁣

[register_form ids="1,5,6,7"]

User from Spain

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