Enevia Health


Genetic Health Test – DNALife

Genetic Health Testing (DNA Health) is designed to optimize well-being and health by personalizing lifestyle and dietary choices and, when necessary, using supplements designed to compensate for any particular nutritional deficits based on specific genetic variants.

The Genetic Health Testing approach helps the healthcare professional establish the optimal nutrition necessary for good health, longevity, and disease risk mitigation. Diet is a key factor in determining genomic stability, as it affects all relevant pathways: exposure to dietary carcinogens, biotransformation, DNA repair and synthesis, and apoptosis. Current recommended dietary amounts of vitamins and minerals are largely based on the prevention of deficiency diseases. However, because lifestyle diseases are caused in part by DNA damage, it stands to reason that we should focus our attention on defining optimal requirements for key minerals and vitamins to prevent genomic instability.

Particular attention should be paid to individuals with genetic polymorphisms that alter the bioavailability of specific micronutrients and the affinity of specific key enzymes for their micronutrient cofactor.

Clinical value

  • Highlights specific metabolic pathways that may require additional support
  • Provides recommendations that involve optimizing amounts of certain nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  • It suggests whether an individual is better able to reduce their cholesterol levels through diet, rather than through medication.
  • It provides an indication of the degree of susceptibility to the harmful effects of carcinogens ingested in the diet.


The Genetic Health Test report provides: 

  • The level of impact of any genetic variants identified.
  • An explanation of its impact on health.
  • Appropriate nutritional and lifestyle recommendations

The results are divided into key metabolic function sections, so that genetic weaknesses and strengths within a functional area can be easily identified.

Analytes measured:

Lipid metabolism

LPL: Removes lipids from the circulation by hydrolyzing triglycerides into free fatty acids.

CETP: Plays a key role in HDL metabolism and mediates lipid exchange between lipoproteins.

APOC3: Plays an important role in cholesterol metabolism.

APOE: It is essential for the normal catabolism of the constituents of lipoproteins rich in triglycerides. Affects the requirement for antioxidants.

B Vitamins/Methylation

MTHFR: It directs dietary folate to DNA synthesis or homocysteine remethylation.

MTR: Catalyzes the remethylation of homocysteine to methionine.

COMT: It catalyzes the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosylmethionine to catecholamines, including the neurotransmitters dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.

MTRR: It catalyzes methylcobalamin, which is essential for maintaining adequate intracellular stores of methionine. It is also responsible for maintaining homocysteine concentrations at non-toxic levels.

CBS: It catalyzes the conversion of homocysteine to cystathionine and is directly involved in the removal of homocysteine from the methionine cycle.


CYP1A1: The cytochrome P450 enzyme converts environmental procarcinogens into reactive intermediates, which are carcinogenic.

GSTM1: Influences Phase II detoxification. It is responsible for the elimination of xenobiotics, carcinogens and oxidative stress products.

GSTP1: It influences the metabolism of many carcinogenic compounds.

GSTT1: Member of a superfamily of proteins that catalyzes the conjugation of reduced glutathione.

NQO1: Quinone reductase is primarily involved in the detoxification of potentially mutagenic and carcinogenic quinones derived from tobacco smoke, diet, and estrogen metabolism.


IL-6: It plays a crucial role in inflammation by regulating the expression of C-reactive protein (CRP).

TNF-A: TNFα is a proinflammatory cytokine, secreted by both macrophages and adipocytes, that has been shown to disrupt whole-body glucose homeostasis and has been implicated in the development of obesity, obesity-related insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia. .

Responsiveness and sensitivity to food

MCM6: Associated with hypolactasia in adults.

FADS1: It influences blood fat concentrations by affecting the efficiency of the desaturase enzyme.

CYP1A2: This detoxifying enzyme influences the ability to metabolize caffeine.

ACE and AGT: Part of the renin-angiotensin system and response to salt.

HLA DQ2/DQ8: Main genetic predisposition to celiac disease

Vitamin metabolism

BC01: Retinal carotenoid catalyst (vitamin A)

CYP2R1: Conversion of vitamin D to 25(OH)D

FUT2: Absorption and transport of vitamin B12

G STT1: Contributes to the antioxidant cycle of glutathione-ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

iron overload

HFE: Regulates iron absorption, regulating the interaction of the transfer receptor with transferrin. Hereditary hemochromatosis results from defects in the HFE gene.

Oxidative stress

eNOS: It influences vascular tone and peripheral vascular resistance. It also has vasoprotective effects by suppressing platelet aggregation, leukocyte adhesion, and smooth muscle cell proliferation.

MnSOD/SOD2: It has vital antioxidant activity within the cell, especially within the mitochondria. Destroys radicals that are normally produced within cells.

bone health

VDR: It has a profound influence on bone density.

COL1A1: It influences the proportion of collagen alpha chains produced by bone cells, affecting bone mineralization and bone resistance.

Insulin Sensitivity

PPARG: Involved in the differentiation of adipocytes. It is a transcription factor activated by fatty acids, and is also involved in the regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism.

TCF7L2: It influences blood glucose homeostasis, both insulin secretion and resistance.

FTO: It influences susceptibility to obesity and the risk of type 2 diabetes.

SLC2A2: It facilitates glucose-induced insulin secretion and participates in food intake and regulation.

Privacy Policy:

The DNA and original sample material are destroyed after 3 months so that no names or other identifiers remain in the samples. Samples are analyzed only for the SNPs included in DNALife tests, and no other investigations or analyzes are performed without separate permission from the patient. We do not give or sell the results to third parties.

Logo DNA Life

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Product Information




Analysis laboratory


Laboratory/Entity of your country

You have to contact the collaborating entity you want from your country:


Laboratory IICT LABS

Autism Bioapproach Foundation


Doctor Oscar Castro


GFG Laboratory


Doctor Antonella Fanetti


If there is no collaborating laboratory in your country, you can coordinate the shipment of the kit with the Enevia Health customer service team at atencionalcliente@eneviahealth.com

Type of sample

Dried blood (taken from the finger)

Results delivery time

21 days after the laboratory receives the sample.

Test mode

home kit

Collection of results

The results are received by e-mail

Additional shipping costs

Argentina: 200 USD 1 kit
Peru: 180 USD. - Shipping prices vary depending on the dollar rate
Uruguay: Consult with the collaborator.
Ecuador: Consult with the collaborator.

customs management

Does not require

Collaborating laboratory/entity


Laboratory IICT LABS
1220 Miter Street
CUIT: 33-70874216-9

Contact person:
Coordinator Franco Pongelli

Logo Laboratorio GFG Perú

Collaborating laboratory/entity


GFG Laboratory
El Sauzal Passage. 105 Urb. Los Sauces
(Alt. block 8 av. 8 av. Villarán)
Surquillo, Lime
+51 989 692 828

Contact person:
Coordinator of Enevia Health in Peru Giovanna Bejerano
+51 983 514 369

Address of attention: Av. Benavides 2426 office 202 Miraflores. Lima 15048
Opening hours: Wednesdays 10:30 am to 12:30 pm.


Doctora Antonella Fanetti De La Hoz

Collaborating laboratory/entity


Doctor Antonella Fanetti De La Hoz

Office address:

  1. Montevideo-Carrasco MIRAFLORES 1464, Uruguay
  2. Colonia del Sacramento ALBERTO MENDEZ 120, Uruguay

Contact person:

Doctor Antonella Fanetti De La Hoz

Contact number: +598 99 728 557

Mail: antonellafanetti@gmail.com

Hours: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Collaborating laboratory/entity


Doctor Oscar Castro

Contact person:

Enevia Health Coordinator in Ecuador: Doctor Oscar Castro

Mail: nutraautism@gmail.com

Schedule: 09:00 to 20:00

Logo Bio Abordajes del Autismo

Collaborating laboratory/entity


Autism Bioapproach Foundation:
Department 1ºC
Juan Agustin Garcia 2780
(1419) Villa, Santa Rita.
CABA, Argentina

Reports: autismobio@gmail.com
+54 11 6825-8726
Studies: bioabordajesdelautismo@hotmail.com
+54 11 5062-0709

Contact person:
adriana peralta
Biomedical nutritional advice
Master of Disability
President of the Autism Bioapproach Foundation.

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Enevia Health, LLC

30 N Gould Ste N, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA

Exclusive professionals

Your request will be reviewed by our team.

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ENEVIA HEALTH as Data Controller will process your data in order to manage your registration as a registered user. The basis of legitimacy is your consent expressed in the acceptance box of our privacy policy. The communication of the data is not foreseen, except in compliance with legal obligations. You can access, rectify and delete your data, as well as exercise other rights by consulting the additional and detailed information on data protection in our Privacy Policy.

Exclusive Laboratories

Your request will be reviewed by our team.

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laboratory manager*
Laboratory medical director*
Membership number Medical Director*
Laboratory Management*
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ENEVIA HEALTH as Data Controller will process your data in order to manage your registration as a registered user. The basis of legitimacy is your consent expressed in the acceptance box of our privacy policy. The communication of the data is not foreseen, except in compliance with legal obligations. You can access, rectify and delete your data, as well as exercise other rights by consulting the additional and detailed information on data protection in our Privacy Policy.
Whatsapp groups

Our groups are the ideal platform to learn and share your scientific concerns about neurodevelopment issues

Group rules:

  1. Be nice. Bullying, insults and personal confrontations are not allowed.
  2. Respect everyone's privacy.
  3. Use information that is as scientific and reliable as possible, cite sources.
  4. We want to comply with WhatsApp rules and avoid topics that we know lead to the closure of groups, so we ask that these groups not discuss topics related to VACCINES, MMS, CDS.

*Our purpose is informational only, it is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Enevia Health


This plan is exclusive for people who are responsible for or suffer from some neurodevelopmental pathology such as (TEA, ADD, ADHD, OCD, SLI and other learning disorders, as well as Rett syndrome, Tourette syndrome, PANS, PANDAS , LYME…

With this plan you can benefit from discounts on more than 100 laboratory tests, medical visits, supermarkets and therapies and you will have access to all the tests with the BIGGEST possible discount.⁣

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